
Winter Meeting (Zoom)


What do bees collect and how do they use it - Jane Medwell I learnt beekeeping from my mother in the 1970s, when the activity was rather different. In 1999 I set up my...

Winter Meeting (Warnford)

Warnford Village Hall Lippen Lane, Warnford, Hampshire, United Kingdom

A Day in the Life of a Bee Remover - Clive Stewart Domestic and Commercial - Bee Removal Services, Westart Apiaries is based in the beautiful county of Staffordshire, carrying out efficient and professional...

Apiary Day

MVBKA Apiary

Join us for a day at the apiary. These comprise of a morning of maintenance, a social lunch, and then hive inspections in the afternoon. You can come for the entire day (10am-3pm) or...

SSS Day: Disease Inspections and Apiary Hygiene

MVBKA Apiary

Come along to this training session where we will be discussing disease inspections, lateral flow devices for EFB, nosema sample collecting and also comb changing. Catch up with other beekeepers and have a slice...

Winter Meeting (In Person)

Warnford Village Hall Lippen Lane, Warnford, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Finding and Understanding Drone Congregation Areas - Dylan Gussman Every time you do a split or the bees swarm, a virgin queen is raised and she must go and mate, but where does this...

Asian Hornet Workshop

Warnford Village Hall Lippen Lane, Warnford, Hampshire, United Kingdom

This is a session for our AHAT members. If you are not yet part of it please come along and join us for this session where we will be talking about our upcoming activities...

Apiary Day

MVBKA Apiary

Join us for a day at the apiary. These comprise of a morning of maintenance, a social lunch, and then hive inspections in the afternoon. You can come for the entire day (10am-3pm) or...

Bee Health Day

Warnford Village Hall Lippen Lane, Warnford, Hampshire, United Kingdom

We will have microscopes for you to come and test your bees for nosema, as well as demonstrations by Master Beekeepers. This is a great day to check your colony for diseases. The event...

MVBKA Auction

Greatham Village Hall Petersfield Road, Greatham, Hampshire, United Kingdom

View the catalogue of lots here

Apiary Day

MVBKA Apiary

Join us for a day at the apiary. These comprise of a morning of maintenance, a social lunch, and then hive inspections in the afternoon. You can come for the entire day (10am-3pm) or...