Training Courses

The MVBKA runs two courses each year. The aim of these is to train people to become proficient beekeepers.

The first course of the year is the Theory Course which is 10 weeks long and begins in February. At the end of this course, we hold a practical session towards the end so that you can get some hands-on experience with a hive. The cost of this course is £110 and includes handouts and a copy of The BBKA Guide to Beekeeping. These in-person sessions take place at Warnford Village hall on Tuesday Evenings.

For those who want to continue learning how to keep bees we then hold a Practical Course which spans the entire beekeeping season (May – November) with fortnihgtly sessions in our training apiary. This course costs £110. We cover topics that mirror what the beekeeper would be required to do in their own apiary. With the price of this, you also get associate membership so can come along to our training events for members throughout the year, and supplement the learning from the course.

If either of these coures interest you please fill out a training course enquiry form below 

Training Course Enquiry